

Date: July 2, 2023, 11:28 a.m. Kindly note that withdrawal will be processed within 48-56 hours now for basic🤎 members while under 10 minutes for premium💚 members💃💃


Date : Jan 5 2024, 12:00 Good day earncrib earners, they are new rules you need to be aware of 1). Submitting tasks without performing or performing task or later undo the task after getting paid , only WhatsApp can be undo after 1 week if you find the group not interested, if you undo a task it will lead to at least ₦100 deduction or your account to be banned 🚫🚫🚫 2). If you are on free account (basic member) you can only withdraw thrice and you can't withdraw again until you upgrade your account to premium (you can still perform task which means you can also use the money you earn to upgrade to premium)
